Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism
To acquire a knowledge on the significance, history and value of the cultural heritage.
To acquire tools for its safeguard and enhancing towards a sustainable tourism in Europe and beyond.
The course is organised in eight sessions of three hours each. Each session will articulate in a presentation, in a reading session and question time. The participants are invited to contribute to the topic through the analysis of case studies to be presented in a final session.
To contribute to the education on the values of cultural heritage
To enter the debate on the post earthquake reconstruction in the Region
Introduction to the subject, definitions. Significance and value of cultural heritage in Western culture.
History and Principles of protection and conservation.
International Charters of cultural heritage.
Landscape, City, Architecture : case studies.
Fragility of cultural heritage: case studies
The role of public institutions and citizens: Unesco, European Union, English Heritage, Italia Nostra.
Strategies for knowledge and nehancing: museums and galleries, exhibition and thematic parks, scientific festivals, cultural tourism.
The role of research and universities.